The facilities include hot water supply, internal heating and electricity.
New Delhi:
The Indian army has established improved housing facilities for troops deployed in eastern Ladakh, a sector that receives up to 12 meters of snow after November every year and where temperatures drop to negative 30-40 degrees.
Eastern Ladakh has also made headlines in recent months in connection with the ongoing military confrontation with Chinese troops along the Line of Royal Control (LoAC).
The Army’s new smart camps being established in Ladakh are in areas that receive 40 feet of snow with temperatures of -40 degrees in the wind. Adequate provision of heating, water and electricity. pic.twitter.com/xTPSePNmx2
– Vishnu Som (@VishnuNDTV) November 18, 2020
“In order to ensure the operational efficiency of the troops deployed in winters, the Indian Army has completed the establishment of habitat facilities for all troops deployed to the sector,” a statement from the Indian Army said today, referring to the heights of the Ladakh range. The development may also be indicative of a longer troop deployment to the sector this winter, particularly in the wake of the LAC standoff.

“In addition to the smart camps with integrated facilities that have been built over the years, additional state-of-the-art habitats have recently been created with integrated arrangements for electricity, water, heating, health and hygiene facilities to accommodate the troops.” . the statement said.
Troops on the front line, according to him, are housed in heated tents depending on the tactical considerations of their deployment. In addition, adequate civilian infrastructure has also been identified to meet the emerging needs of soldiers.

Indian and Chinese troops have been fighting since early May along the Royal Line of Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh. The situation deteriorated in June after the clash in the Galwan Valley in which both sides suffered casualties.
Up to 20 Indian soldiers died June 15-16 as a result of an attempt by the Chinese to unilaterally change the status quo.
In October, personnel affiliated with Chinese state media distributed images of the preparations the Chinese military was carrying out in the region before winter. This included the provision of solar and wind power installations and 24-hour hot water supply.
Winter is coming. Detachable self-heating barracks equipped for #Chinait is #PLA front-line troops under the command of Xinjiang and Xizang (Tibet).
Solar and wind energy, hot water 24 hours, showers, dining rooms and many other equipped. pic.twitter.com/fUyKBmguCf– Shen Shiwei 沈 诗 伟 (@shen_shiwei) October 10, 2020