Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, Sara Ali Khan, Shraddha Kapoor and Rakul Preet Singh received a subpoena from Narcotics Control (NCB) on Wednesday in a drug-Bollywood nexus case. Several journalists and congressional loyalists began selling conspiracy theories after the subpoena issued by the Narcotics Control (NCB) to Deepika Padukone on September 25. They alleged that the actress was being made a scapegoat to distract the nation’s attention from a bigger problem: national farmers. ‘protest planned by the Congress party the same day.
India Today journalists, led by none other than quack master Rajdeep Sardesai, alleged that the government was using Deepika Padukone as a distraction from big issues like the Farmers Bill. Rajdeep Sardesai took to Twitter to hint that Deepika Padukone’s subpoena by the Bureau of Narcotics on September 25 was somehow related to the farmer’s protest.
So @deepikapadukone convened on September 25 by @narcotics . Farmers across India protest on September 25. Samajh mein aaya? 🙏
– Rajdeep Sardesai (@sardesairajdeep) September 23, 2020
Following in the footsteps of Rajdeep Sardesai, many India Today journalists began peddling similar rhetoric on Twitter.
September 25: protest by farmers across the country
September 25: Deepika will be questioned by NCB
Save the date, watch the distraction z
– Indrajit Kundu | ইন্দ্রজিৎ – কলকাতা (@iindrojit) September 23, 2020
Heard in the newsroom –
Anchor – When is Deepika going to be questioned by the OCN?
anchor 2 – isn’t it the farmer’s protest on the 25th?
Desk in charge – oh yeah … the 25th then I guess.
News soon after: deepika will be interrogated on September 25 🙂 @ Ankit_Tyagi01 @ tarini28– Preeti Choudhry (@PreetiChoudhry) September 23, 2020
👉Rakul Preet and Simone Khambatta will be questioned tomorrow (September 24)
👉Deepika Padukone on September 25 (Farmer Agitation also on this day)
👉Sara Ali Khan and Shradha Kapoor will be questioned on September 26 by the NCB ..– Ankit Tyagi (@ Ankit_Tyagi01) September 23, 2020
Some other ‘journalists’ followed suit. Saba Naqvi said: “Since the NCB will summon Deepika Padukone on September 25, I really believe that the protest of all farmers in India, scheduled for the same day, should be rescheduled. We know what visual media will do. Block stories from millions. “
Given that the NCB will summon Deepika Padukone on September 25th, I truly believe that the protest of all Indian farmers, scheduled for the same day, should be rescheduled. We know what visual media will do. Block stories from millions.
– Saba Naqvi (@_sabanaqvi) September 23, 2020
Fake news vendor Rana Ayyub was also quick to make similar bizarre accusations.
Can farmers protest outside the NCB on the 25th?
– Rana Ayyub (@RanaAyyub) September 24, 2020
With something like this in the works, how could the congressional loyalist be left behind? They too jumped on the train to come up with the same narrative that the actress was being used to distract from the nationwide farmer protest on the same day.
Call of Bharat Bandh on September 25
Deepika summoned on September 25.Well done BJP & Media 😂👌
– Salman Nizami (@SalmanNizami_) September 23, 2020
Timeline to manipulate headlines.
Farmer organization and @INCIndia starting their nationwide protest on the 24th and NCB started calling A members from that day alone.
– hazeena syed (@SyedHazeena) September 23, 2020
On September 25, farmers called for a Bharat Bandh against Modi selling agriculture to companies.
NCB calls Deepika the same day as a distraction.
The media will only show Deepika and ignore the farmers.
Kangana is sure to make a controversial statement to manage headlines too!
– Srivatsa (@srivatsayb) September 23, 2020
But curiously, while on the one hand India Today journalists were seen criticizing the government for using the actor to distract the public’s attention from the most important issues and complaining about the unnecessary media coverage that is being given to the Deepika subpoena Padukone, on the other hand, the media house was seen behind Deepika Padukone’s car, giving minute-by-minute details of her Goa whereabouts.
A Twitter user quickly caught on to this. He called India Today for their double standards in sharing photos of his reporter following the actor’s car in Goa.
India Today Journalist on Twitter: Deepika is summoned to distract people from real problems
India Today on TV: Hum Deepika ki caar ka pichha kar rahe hai. Bich vali car me deepika bethi hai. 😂
Real problem @sardesairajdeep?
– પ્રકાશ (@Gujju_Er) September 24, 2020
Ironically, India Today is now offering a minute-by-minute update on Deepika Padukone after her journalists criticized the media for doing the same.
#Break#DeepikaPadukone still in the Goa hotel, sources say. We will leave for Mumbai in an hour. @nagarjund gives us more details.
Watch # 5iveLive with @ShivAroor LIVE at– IndiaToday (@IndiaToday) September 24, 2020
Actors Deepika Padukone and Sara Ali Khan, who were in Goa, departed for Mumbai after they were summoned by the Office of Narcotics Control in connection with the ongoing investigation into the alleged drug nexus in Bollywood, which resulted by Sushant Singh Rajput. death.
While Deepika is expected to appear for questioning on September 25, Sara will appear a day later.
By the way, on the same date, Congress will hold a nationwide agitation against the BJP government approved farmers’ bills, and will also launch a campaign to collect two million signatures from farmers and poor against these proposed bills for the agricultural sector. Congressional leader Randeep Surjewala said a series of press conferences against the farm laws will be held across the country. The heads of the state parties and other senior leaders will hold marches in their respective states and present memoranda to the respective state governors.