New Delhi:
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Friday that India has been providing free rations to around 80 million rupees of the poor for the past seven to eight months amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
“During the coronavirus crisis, many kinds of discussions are taking place around the world on hunger and malnutrition. India has been providing free rations to around 80 crore poor for the past 7-8 months. this time, India distributed cereals worth approximately Rs. 1.5 million lakh rupees to the poor, “Prime Minister Modi said during an event to launch a commemorative 75 rupee coin to mark the 75th anniversary of the long-standing relationship of India with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
“Another important work is being done to combat malnutrition. Now crops of this type are being promoted in the country, which have nutrients such as protein, iron and zinc in great quantity. This year’s Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to the World Food Program is a great achievement. India is happy that our contribution and partnership with her has been historic, “he added.
The Prime Minister congratulated everyone on the occasion of World Food Day.
“I congratulate those who continually work to eradicate malnutrition from the world. The Indian farmers, our agricultural scientists, the workers of Anganwadi and Asha, are the strong suit of the anti-malnutrition movement,” he said.
The Prime Minister also dedicated 17 biofortified varieties of eight newly developed crops to the nation on World Food Day.
The event marks the top priority given by the government to agriculture and nutrition and is a testament to the determination to completely eliminate hunger, malnutrition and malnutrition.
It was witnessed by Anganwadis, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, Horticultural and Organic Missions across the country.