IIT develops technology for the realization of exams in line


IIT-Bhubaneswar said that it has created a state-of-the-art method of conducting online examinations in a comprehensive manner, to connect the gaps in the existing systems. This method can be used for the celebration of all type of examinations including class tests and end of semester examinations of an institute, the first institute in a press release.

This method uses the currently available commercial systems, such as the Wheebox as a part of it.

The new method to overcome several of the limitations of the holding of only computer-based tests, which lack the robustness, the reliability of the invigilation and the connection face available on the market on-line assessment systems, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), he said.

According to RV Raja Kumar, Director, IIT-Bhubaneswar, the proposal of online examination system is robust and can be used for the conclusion of the evidence of wide-ranging nature of simple computer-based detailed of conventional examinations.

The system uses a virtual exam room real of supervisors, the question of the role of online distribution and shipping/receiving soft copies of the answer books that can be printed, if necessary, he said.

The system uses two or more network connections for the reliability of the connection and the additional facility for the supervision reliable invigilation.

Unlike systems in which a student has to reach a test centre equipped with computers, in the proposed system, a student can take the exam from home or at any place of the globe, Kumar said.

The institute has successfully tested the complete system by holding a mock trial of the participation of around 240 students stationed all over the country with the question of the roles of 31 subjects and 20 supervisors.

It was found that the tests can be carried out successfully and effectively, provided that the student has at least one of the two connections to work at any time during the exam, Kumar added.

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