IIMs Can Leverage COVID-19 Innovations and Help Turn Today’s Startups into Tomorrow’s Multinationals – PM Modi

Narendra Modi said that local products will have a global reach with the help of new management and technology concepts.

Management schools and graduates can play a key role in developing the innovations started during the COVID-19 pandemic, turning startups into multinationals and bringing Indian products to a global audience, Prime Minister Narendra said on Saturday. Modi.

I was participating in a virtual event to lay a foundation stone for the permanent campus of IIM-Sambalpur. The institution has been operating from a temporary campus since 2015.

The Prime Minister urged the IIMs to document the innovations adopted during the pandemic and to investigate how they could be scaled up and incorporated even after this period ended. They needed to deal with real-life problems in a country like India, he said.

He noted that despite the COVID-19 crisis, India had produced a large number of unicorns, or start-ups, valued at more than a billion dollars, over the course of 2020. “Today’s startups are the multinationals of tomorrow. . These startups need managers, ”Modi said, adding that most startups were starting in Tier 2 and 3 cities, and would need managers from a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

The change in the nature of work also required a new type of manager, he said, noting that the world had changed from a “global village to a global workplace.”

The Prime Minister also urged IIM graduates to take the initiative to “bring the local to the global.” He gave the example of Odisha’s rich heritage of Sambalpuri and Ikat textiles, and said that the new IIM could play an important role in giving them a global brand identity. This would also help to achieve the mission of a self-sufficient India or Atmanirbhar Bharat, he said.

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