New Delhi: Before the 2020 National Entrance Eligibility Test (NEET), Bharatiya Janata Party leader Subramanian Swamy stated that there was no reason not to delay the entrance examination, if universities and colleges will not reopen until 2021. Also Read: India’s GDP Will Contract 10.5% In Fiscal Year 21 Before Recovering Next Year: Fitch Ratings
The NEET (UG) was originally scheduled for May 3, but was postponed until July 26 and then scheduled for September 13 in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Also read: Hong Kong will relax social distancing measures as the spread of Covid-19 slows
Now that it has been decided that universities and colleges will reopen only in January 2021, there is no reason not to delay NEET exams until after Deepavali, when the weather will be better and the threat of coronavirus will be less. Also Read – Aadhaar Card, Mandatory ICMR Form for COVID Testing in Delhi; No prescription required
– Subramanian Swamy (@ Swamy39) September 7, 2020
“Now that it has been decided that universities and colleges will reopen their doors only in January 2021, there is no reason not to delay NEET exams after Deepavali when the weather will be better and the threat of coronavirus will be less,” Swamy wrote on Twitter .
In particular, there have been demands from various students and parents to postpone entrance exams even further in light of the increase in coronavirus cases.
More than 15 lakhs of candidates across the country have registered for the entrance medical examination. For student safety, the NTA has increased the number of centers from 2,546 to 3,843, while the number of applicants per room has been reduced from the first 24 to 12.
The NTA has also issued a dress code for the examinee.
Here’s what to wear and what not to wear
For all candidates, as well as supervisors, masks and gloves are mandatory.
Candidates can wear their cultural and customary dresses in the test center, if they wish
Light clothing is preferred / recommended due to current weather conditions
Long sleeve shirts / blouses are strictly prohibited.
For both male and female candidates, shoes are restricted. Only slippers and sandals are allowed.
Heavy jewelry, watches, and any other wearable devices are not allowed.
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