MUMBAI: About 31,500 aspiring CPAs out of the 4.7 lakh total have so far opted out of the November session of the exam, scheduled to begin on Saturday. Of these, two-thirds have opted for the additional attempt offered by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) in January and the remaining 11,687 candidates have opted for the May session. On Thursday, the ICAI announced that the additional session will start from January 21, 2021, giving relief to a section of students, who were demanding the schedule before deciding to withdraw from the exam.
While candidates’ concerns continued to pour in about conducting physicals amid a pandemic, ICAI President Atul Gupta said students can choose not to participate even on the latest exam date if they feel apprehensive.
The students claimed that the ICAI is violating the Center’s standards by conducting an 18-day physical exam, putting many at risk. Many centers have been divided into blocks and will have more than 400 students, disobeying the rules, supposed students.