IBPS Secretary Preliminary Exam 2020 Starts Today, Here’s What You Need To Know – Education

IBPS Secretary Preliminary Exam 2020: The IBPS Clerk Preliminary 2020 exam begins on Saturday, December 5.

The total duration of the exam is 60 minutes. However, an additional 20 minutes will be provided to candidates with disabilities. “The clock will be configured on the server. The countdown timer in the upper right corner of the screen will show the remaining time available for you to complete the exam. When the timer reaches zero, the exam will end on its own. You will not be asked to complete or submit your exam, ”the official notice reads.

The exam will also take place on December 12 and 13, 2020. The results of the IBPS 2020 preliminary secretary exam are scheduled to be reported on December 31, 2020.

Here are some guidelines for candidates:

1. Candidates are advised to bring a copy of their admission card to their respective exam center or else they will not be allowed to sit for the exam.

2. The mapping of ‘Candidate List Number and Laboratory Number’ will NOT be displayed outside the exam site, but will be reported to individual candidates at the time of the candidate’s entry to the exam site.

3. The candidate must not share their personal belongings / material with anyone.

4. The use of masks is mandatory at all times.

5. The candidate must have the AarogyaSetu application installed on their mobile phone. The AarogyaSetu status should show the candidate’s risk factor. A candidate must show this status to the Security Guard at the entrance to the exam site. In case a candidate does not have a smartphone, they must bring a signed statement to that effect (the statement is provided together with this Letter of Convocation) and show it to the Security Guard at the entrance to the exam site. Candidates with moderate or high risk status will not be allowed to enter the AarogyaSetu application.
