New Delhi: Actor Hrithik Roshan’s mother, Pinkie Roshan, who earlier welcomed the Center’s decision to a CBI investigation into the death of Sushant Singh Rajput, has once again dedicated a post to the late star along with a cryptic message.
She shared a photo of Sushant and the message read, “Everyone wants the truth, but no one wants to be honest.” Pinkie added the hashtags “prayer is powerful” and “universe is powerful” in her post.
Here’s what Pinkie Roshan shared:
This is Pinkie Roshan’s second post for Sushant Singh Rajput. As mentioned above, in August, she and her daughter Sunaina had shared posts about justice for Sushant.
At the end
Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead in his apartment in Mumbai on June 14. The death case was initially investigated by the Mumbai police. However, after an FIR from his father KK Singh in Patna, the Supreme Court transferred the case to the CBI. Finally, the DE and NCB also came on the scene after money laundering and drug nexus charges emerged in connection with Sushant’s death case.