Updated: April 28, 2020 4:14:20 pm
How to Track Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases Live in India
India Coronavirus COVID-19 Live Cases Tracker: Coronavirus cases are increasing in the country with each passing day. This worries people who have been sitting at home for more than a month due to the blockade across the country. The best way to keep up to date with the latest coronavirus-related updates from India is to read it. Since the internet contains true and false information, it is best that you check only the official websites.
There are several coronavirus trackers available that allow you to track live updates of confirmed COVID-19 cases along with recovered and deceased cases. Here are a few reliable ones that will provide you with accurate India updates related to coronavirus.
Aarogya Setu
This is the app developed by the Government of India a couple of weeks ago. The government urges everyone to download this app to get only accurate information related to the coronavirus pandemic in India. The Aarogya Setu app includes an updates section that shows confirmed cases, active cases, recovered and deceased cases. The app also displays the specific number of cases in the state in which you live. It also provides updates in other states. The key idea behind the introduction of the Aarogya Setu app is to track people if they come into contact with anyone infected with coronavirus on the go. The government believes the app will help prevent the spread of the virus among many more people in the country. The application has already been downloaded by millions of people across the country.
Also read: What is the Aarogya Setu app? How to use it
The government urges everyone to download the Aarogya Setu application on their phone.
John Hopkins coronavirus tracker
This is one of the most reliable coronavirus trackers available. Tracker John Hopkins shows global updates related to the coronavirus pandemic. The tracker allows users to select countries and check for updates, including confirmed cases, recovered cases, and deaths in the region. The data source of these live trackers is important. The John Hopkins coronavirus tracker data source includes: WHO, CDC, ECDC, NHC, DXY, 1point3acres, Worldometers.info, BNO, state and national government health departments, and local media reports.
Also Read: COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Live Trackers for India: These Trackers Show Latest Pandemic Updates
This is one of the best coronavirus trackers available in India as it shows clear and detailed representations for ordinary people to understand the state of the country. Like other trackers, this COVID-19 interactive tracker also shows the number of confirmed cases, but the difference is that it also shows numbers statewide. The tracker shows updates related to recovery and death cases in the country. This tracker shows a graphic representation to give a better idea about the scenario in the country.
Alongside these trackers, social media giants like WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and others are doing their best to only display authentic information on their coronavirus-related platform. Facebook and Twitter have created an authentic coronavirus-related news hub on their platform. WhatsApp has also collaborated with WHO and the government to introduce the helpline number and chatbots so that people receive the latest and most authentic updates related to the pandemic.
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