The dispatch of an Interministerial Central Team to the state of West Bengal appears to have changed the strategy of the Mamata Banerjee government against COVID-19. Deeptiman Tiwary, who writes on India’s internal security, and Ravik Bhattacharya, who covers West Bengal, join us in discussing the political battle over the team and how it may have provided the necessary transparency in handling the pandemic by part of the state. Then Shubhajit Roy, who covers India’s foreign affairs, joins us to talk about how India plans to bring back thousands of stranded citizens abroad.
How the Modi government urged West Bengal to change its Covid-19 strategy, Vande Bharat MissionThe dispatch of an Interministerial Central Team to the state of West Bengal appears to have changed the strategy of the Mamata Banerjee government against COVID-19. Deeptiman Tiwary, who writes on India’s internal security, and Ravik Bhattacharya, who covers West Bengal, join us in discussing the political battle over the team and how it may have provided the necessary transparency in handling the pandemic by part of the state. Then Shubhajit Roy, who covers India’s foreign affairs, joins us to talk about how India plans to bring back thousands of stranded citizens abroad.