Updated: September 16, 2020 6:37:18 pm
Durga Puja celebrations will begin 35 days after Mahalaya. (Express photo by Partha Paul)
Durga Puja 2020 dates: Mahalaya marks the end of Pitru Paksha Shraddha and heralds the beginning of Durga Puja for Bengalis. This year, Mahalaya Amavasya will be celebrated on September 17, 2020. Normally, Durga Puja celebrations start seven days after Mahalaya. In 2020, however, the long-awaited festival would take place a month after Mahalaya. So, Durga Puja The celebrations will take place this year between October 22 (Shashthi) and October 26 (Vijaya Dashami).

Why will Durga Puja 2020 be celebrated 35 days after Mahalaya?
According to Bisuddha Siddhanta and Suryasiddhanta, both almanac schools, the unusual gap between Mahalaya and Durga Puja is due to a phenomenon called ‘mala mash’ or a lunar month that has two new moons, Statesman said in a report. During this month, auspicious festivals or rituals cannot be observed. Bengali Ashwin Month is a lunar month, and Durga Puja can only be celebrated after it ends.
While it is an unusual schedule, it is not the first time that Durga Puja has been delayed. The last time this happened was in 2001 when Durga Puja was observed 30 days after Mahalaya.
That said, Bengalis have been in a festive mood since Mahalaya times. As the puja pandals get their finishing touches, people start shopping for new clothes and making plans for the festival, though the celebrations are likely to be different amid the pandemic.
Read| Learn to do Khichudi and Labda this Durga Puja
How is Mahalaya observed?
On this day, Bengalis traditionally wake up in the morning to listen to Mahisasuramardni, an audio montage of Chandipath’s recitation of Sri Sri Chandi’s biblical verses along with devotional songs. They then make offerings of food and water to the deceased ancestors.
Goddess Durga is believed to begin her journey from Mount Kailash to her maternal home on Earth after Mahalaya, whether on a palanquin, boat, elephant, or horse.
The ‘Devi Paksha’ or the auspicious period in which Durga puja was celebrated, will begin on October 17 with ‘Pratipad’ or the first day of Sharadiya Navratri.
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