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The grieving family released a statement, saying they were shocked as millions mourned their loss with them.
- News18.com
- Last update: May 1, 2020, 9:30 p.m. IST
“Learn to surrender to the dance of uncertainty and trust your faith in the universe” – this is one of the many lessons that actor Irrfan Khan taught his two sons, Babil and Ayaan.
On May 1, after his death, his wife Sutapa and their children published a sincere note through the deceased actor’s Twitter account. The entire country is grappling with the loss of actor Irrfan Khan, who died at the age of 53 in Mumbai on April 29. The actor was diagnosed with a neuroendocrine tumor two years ago. He passed away Wednesday morning after being admitted to the hospital after a colon infection.
The grieving family released a statement, saying they were shocked as millions mourned their loss with them.
The statement says, “How can I write this as a family statement when the whole world takes it as a personal loss? How can I begin to feel lonely when millions are grieving with us right now? I want to assure everyone that this is not a loss, it is a gain. It is a gain from the things he taught us. ” Towards the end of the statement, Sutapa writes that he had asked his children to summarize a lesson that their father had taught them.
As Babil, 22, wrote “Learn to surrender to the dance of uncertainty and trust your faith in the universe,” her younger brother Ayaan wrote, “Learn to control your mind and not let it control you.”
Much has been said about Irrfan, the actor. But through this open note from the family, we were able to see who Irrfan was as husband, father and human. Both lessons are about being independent, mastering your own thoughts, and knowing that nothing is certain. Earlier,
Babil turned to social media and wrote in her Insta story: “I am deeply grateful for all the condolences that your beautiful friends are giving me. Although, I hope you understand that at this time I cannot respond because my vocabulary is giddy. I will return with each one of you, but not now. Thank you very much! I love you. ”
In 2015, Ayaan, who had acted with her father on ‘Life of Pi’, took over Irrfan’s Twitter account with #AskAyaanaboutIrrfan. He tweeted that what he loved most about his father was that “he is always himself.” And when someone asked if Irrfan was a “cool” or “angry” man, this is what his son replied.
@irrfan_k @akayaank hello ayaan! Did you fly a kite? Is he a cool or angry man? Yells at you Do you laugh often or are you a serious man?
– Simy Verma (@ simver10) November 19, 2015
Irrfan’s messages to her children are a comfort to all who mourn her death at this time. As the world mourns the loss of a great actor, his crooked smile, his witty phrases, and his true-to-life characters are all we are left with.