Haryana school reopening: government will decide soon on regular classes for schools

The Haryana government will decide the school's reopening dates soon

The Haryana government will decide the school’s reopening dates soon | Photo credit: iStock Images

The Haryana state government would decide the regular school / classes re-opening dates for students soon. The education department has sought the health services of the state health department for students who attend schools for clarification sessions.

The government’s concern is that in the event a student becomes ill at school, immediate medical services and health workers should be provided. The additional chief secretary of the department of education has written a letter in this regard to the ACS of the department of health.

In the letter, the education department wrote, “in compliance with the instructions issued by the Central Government Health Department on September 8 and the letter issued by the Haryana Disaster Management Department on September 15, students from classes 9 to 12 residing in the No -Haryana containment zone can visit schools to clear up their doubts from September 21. Teachers can also visit schools. Students can seek guidance from teachers just with the written permission of their parents. “

According to a letter issued by the Union Ministry of the Interior on September 30, there is a provision to open schools after October 15, 2020. “If all goes according to plan, students in these classes can consult their teachers at starting October 15, “Haryana says. State Education Minister Kanwar Pal said on October 7, 2020. Read also | Schools in Punjab, Haryana get the go-ahead to reopen from Oct 15, Oct 19 UP | Schools reopening in India

Currently, about 35 thousand students come to schools every day for clarification sessions. Students in grades nine through twelve study in 3,100 schools across the state. There are around 6.10 lakhs of students in these classes. Therefore, seeing this huge population at risk of health, the government has decided to first seek the help of the health department and then continue with the regular classes.