September 7, 2020 12:52:36 pm
At a testing center in New Delhi (Photo Express / Praveen Khanna)
India coronavirus number cases: The coronavirus epidemic in India appears to have entered an out-of-control phase, bringing increasing numbers of new infections each day. After hitting a new high on Saturday, breaking the 90,000 mark For the first time, more than 90,800 cases were detected on Sunday.
In the past week, nearly six lakh of cases have been added to confirmed infections from India, which is now the second highest in the world, after the United States. Almost 75 percent of these six lakhs of cases come from the top ten states, with Maharashtra alone accounting for around 22 percent of all cases.
After hitting a new record on Saturday, breaking the 90,000 mark for the first time, more than 90,800 cases were detected on Sunday.
In fact, the increase in number of cases in Maharashtra it is showing a pattern similar to that of the country as a whole in the last two weeks. The state has been reporting new cases in the range of 12,000 to 14,000 per day, and in recent days it has seen a rapid progressive increase. On Saturday, more than 20,000 cases were detected and that number rose to more than 23,000 on Sunday.
Andhra Pradesh has consistently reported 10,000-11,000 new cases over the past two weeks. By the way, during the last three days, the number of recoveries in the state has been greater than the detection of new cases. Uttar Pradesh has been discovering more than 6,000 cases in the past three days, the highest for the state. And the rise in Delhi appears to be evolving into a long-term trend.
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Top ten states with the highest case load
But some states outside the top ten are also showing a strong increase, most notably in Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh. In fact, these two states have the fastest daily growth rates in the country right now. On Sunday, Chhattisgarh reported about 3,500 new cases. Until a week ago, the state had never found more than 1,500 cases in one day.
Scientists acknowledge that the epidemic in India is now at a stage where government interventions are unlikely to make a substantial difference in the speed with which new cases are detected. They point out that one of the big reasons we are finding more cases is that we have been testing many more samples. People were getting infected before too, but we couldn’t detect as many as now. This is also evident from the fact that positivity rate continues to show a decline. In such a scenario, the greater number of cases can be directly attributed to a greater number of tests that are being performed.
The tests fell dramatically on Sunday (only 7.2 lakh samples were tested on Sunday versus the recent trend of more than 1 lakh per day) and therefore the number of new detections is likely to decline on Monday and Tuesday. This is because test results typically take a day or two to be included in the data.
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