
NEW DELHI: India on Thursday launched at the G20 to ensure that professionals and students are unaffected by visa issues due to Covid-19 and sought flexibility in the intellectual property rights regime so that millions can access essential services medicines and vaccines at affordable prices.
“A top priority for everyone countries, right now, is saving precious lives. Can we all at least agree to allow the use of TRIPS flexibilities to ensure access to essential medicines, treatments and vaccines at affordable prices? Can we also agree to provide diagnostic and protective equipment and healthcare professionals, beyond borders, where they are most needed? ”Minister of Commerce and Industry Piyush Goyal he said in his speech during a meeting of trade ministers. Flexibility can come through a waiver of patent rights using various provisions of the World trade organizationAgreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) (WTO).
On the issue of visas, the minister said, a large number of professionals, workers and students abroad face difficulties in maintaining their status. “We must allow adequate accommodation in his visa status and take other necessary steps to address his distress. For our part, India has already extended this benefit. ”
The government also used the forum to address issues of WTO discipline on agriculture, including limiting the amount of food purchases that can be made by developing countries like India. Although there is certainty that punitive measures cannot be taken, even if the ceiling is broken, the government is interested in obtaining a permanent solution so that it is not forced to obtain wheat and rice to meet the massive requirements of millions, which have been affected by the economic impact of Covid 19.
Goyal, however, noted that India did not support the demand to remove flexibility from policies to establish export restrictions. “… this step is likely to lead to a leakage of these critical products to the highest bidder, making them inaccessible to the resource poor.”