The union human resources development minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank has launched an application called ‘National Test Abhyaas’ that offer free mock tests for JEE and CLEAN applicants. As the students cannot attend their classes coaching due to the coronavirus security lock, this mobile application helps students prepare for their exams.
JEE Net exam will be held from July 18 to 23, while ITS 2020 will be held July 26.
The HRD minister was getting a lot of requests from students with regard to their concern for the preparation of the exams. He asked the national testing agency (NTA) to develop an application for the convenience of the applicants.
“After receiving several requests from students with respect to preparation for the competitive exams, counseled me @DG_NTA to create an application that helps students prepare for these tests efficiently,” minister of twitter.
Characteristics of the National Test Abhyaas of the application:
The student will obtain a full length of the sheet of questions for the JEE Main and CLEAN daily exams. The duration of the attempt of the questions will be of three hours. You can take the exam any time and immediate scores on their mobile screens. After completing the mock test, the correct answers with explanations. The app will also analyse the time spent on different sections that will help the students to get to know your weak and strength areas and prepare accordingly. The app will also keep a record of their total and subject-wise scores.
Attention JEE (Main) and ITS applicants. The curiosity to know about the ‘NATIONAL TEST ABHYAAS’ mobile application?
Take a look at the video below to learn about the features of the application that will help you prepare for your competitive exams efficiently.@DG_NTA @PIB_India @DDNewslive pic.twitter.com/BOHI5wKgmX— Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank (@DrRPNishank) May 19, 2020
The app is available for android smartphones and will soon be available for iOS also. Students can download the application from the Google Play Store for free of cost and register themselves.
Click here to download National Test Abhyaas Application for Android