Found in the Universe, the exoplanet overthrows the “king” of the Kepler-88 planetary system


Astronomers have discovered a new exoplanet in the Universe, which overthrew the “king” of the Kepler-88 planets. The body has an elliptical, non-classical circular orbit.

Найденная во Вселенной экзопланета свергает «короля» планетарной системы Кеплер-88

The new facility, scientists have identified when using a high-resolution Echelle spectrometer with a 10-meter Keck I telescope. Among the planets in the solar system, king of Jupiter’s consideration. This object has a powerful gravitational field, which is surrounded by smaller structures. Moving the gas giant reflected on other planets, it is guilty of small sizes on Mars, experts say. However, the asteroid belt and comets around Jupiter released the water on young Earth. His leadership is questioned because a group of researchers discovered a new planet in deep space, its mass is three times more than Jupiter.

The discovery is based on data collected six years. Exoplanet Kepler-88 d first recognized the mass in the system, exceeds the mass of Kepler-88 c. The planet is recognized as the most massive gas and overthrows the “king” as the new “monarch of the planetary empire,” say astronomers.

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