Posted: May 5, 2020 8:34:48 pm
Mobile phones have remained the most sought-after item, with the upper mid-tier segment witnessing the largest increase. (Image: Flipkart)
The Indian government has extended the COVID-19 blockade for the third time, until May 17. However, Lockdown 3.0 does come with some relaxations that allow people to buy nonessential goods in the orange and green zones. Consumers in the red light district will still have to wait a little longer.
E-commerce portals have already started receiving orders for non-essential goods under the new guidelines. Flipkart, since May 4, has received many requests from the orange and green areas. He has analyzed all the data and found that there is a huge increase in searches for consumer electronic products, which include personal hygiene equipment, smartphones and laptops, among others.
Mobile phones have remained the most sought-after item, with the upper mid-tier segment witnessing the largest increase.
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People also looked for trimmers as it became one of the top 10 most wanted products on the portal. Flipkart claims that trimmer searches have increased about 4.5-fold since early April. In addition to trimmers, saris have been a big trend with an increase of about 1.8 times.
Since most employees still work from home, many of the searches have been for headsets. The category has seen a 200 percent increase in searches. The company claims this is because people are looking to “create their own space in crowded homes.”
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Searches for gas stoves, fans, and air conditioners have doubled. The company says this is due to the ongoing summer season and the need for people to cook at home rather than order food.
Flipkart has only revealed what people have been looking for. However, that does not translate into what people are buying.
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