Netflix has released the first trailer for its new surprise reality series, Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives. The show features actor Samir Soni’s wife, actor Neelam Kothari, Sanjay Kapoor’s wife, Maheep, Sohail Khan’s wife, Seema Khan, and Chunky Pandey’s wife, Bhavana. The show has a strong Keeping Up With the Kardashians flavor, mixed in with Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
The trailer features the four as Bollywood wives living the luxurious life in Mumbai. They drive in Rolls Royce, call themselves ‘stupid cows’, direct messages to Kim Kardashian, snoop on their neighbors, laugh at movie scripts on offer, and of course good fights are on the table. . All this while maintaining that they live very normal lives under the facade of glamor.
Even Shah Rukh Khan, his wife Gauri Khan, Bhavana’s daughter Ananya, Sanjay and Samir make appearances. There are lavish parties, ogling shirtless waiters, men stalking them, and more. It can be a bit embarrassing and pretentious at times, but viewers are still excited about it.
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“This is rubbish. I can’t wait to see it, ”reads a comment on YouTube. “This is stupid, but I’ll see,” read another. Others were still a bit wary whether a concept like this would work in India. “Glamor doesn’t work for India, wealth is seen as a punch in the face of people still living in poverty, I thank Netflix India for including a concept of ‘keeping up with the Kardashians’ in the genre, but We got very There are few audiences here for this, the things that most people see in a developed country is very different from a developing one, I wish good luck for this start, I hope you find more areas to expand in India ”, it said the comment.
The show will air on Netflix on November 27.
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