Eta Aquariids meteor shower to fill the sky with dozens of shooting stars an hour this weekend before Tuesday’s peak
- The Eta Aquariid meteor shower was caused by debris left by Halley’s Comet
- It is best seen in the southern hemisphere, but is visible from most of Earth.
- Astronomers say that at its peak on Tuesday there will be 40 shooting stars per hour
The next meteor shower that will light up the sky will be the Eta Aquariids and see dozens of shooting stars per hour this weekend, which will end at the top on Tuesday.
Eta Aquariids are created from the debris left by Halley’s Comet and occur every year from mid-April to late May.
They will be visible over the weekend, where a dozen meteorites will be visible per hour, but on Tuesday night this will increase to 40 or more per hour during the peak.
Astronomers say you need to ‘get a comfortable chair’ to look at the shower and be prepared to sit outside for hours, but you won’t need binoculars or a telescope.

The next meteor shower that will light up the sky will be the Eta Aquariids and see dozens of shooting stars per hour this weekend, ending Tuesday at the top.

Meteorites originate from Eta Aquarii, one of the brightest stars in the constellation Aquarius. For people from mid to northern latitudes, the radiant will not be very high in the sky, so you should be able to detect meteors on the southern horizon
The Eta Aquariids are named after the constellation Aquarius, as they fall from that point into the sky and specifically the star Eta Aquarii.
“For the best conditions, you want to find a safe place away from street lights and other sources of light pollution,” according to the Royal Museums Greenwich.
Meteor shower will be best seen in the southern hemisphere, but will be visible in the northern hemisphere, but not as clearly.
The Moon will be in its growing gibbous phase during the peak of the shower, but it will be below the horizon before sunrise and should not dampen vision.
When you look at them, don’t just look in the direction as you can miss the brightest and most impressive shooting stars to one side.
The best way to observe them, according to NASA, is to lie on your back and look up, as it gives you the widest view of the sky without stressing your neck.
Meteorites are pieces of debris that enter the atmosphere at speeds of up to 43 miles per hour; in doing so, they vaporize and cause light rays.
They are the flashes of dust grains that burn in the atmosphere that is left behind when the Earth passes the path of a comet.
That’s why they appear on certain dates and return annually, as these comets are in orbit and leave debris behind in certain parts of space.
Recognized for their speed, meteorites will enter Earth’s atmosphere and leave a trail of glowing debris to follow them.
They look best in Australia because they rise to about 50 degrees in the sky, which is the best angle to see them.
Physicist Clare Kenyon of the University of Melbourne told ABC that the angle is perfect because it is above the horizon and less likely to hide behind trees.
“Actually, it’s better not to have a team,” said Kenyon.

Earth experiences a meteor shower when Earth’s orbit coincides with that of the comet. In the photo, the Eta Aquarids meteor shower taken over three nights over Devils Tower in Wyoming
‘You don’t want a telescope, you don’t want binoculars, you don’t want to get anywhere in the sky. For starters, it’s the ideal stargazing activity because you don’t need equipment except maybe a blanket and a thermos. ”
The next big meteor shower will be the Perseids in August with over 100 shooting stars per hour at their peak and showing bright and fast meteorites.
Eta Aqauriids do not produce as many stars per hour as Perseids, but astronomers say they will be as bright as they are bright.
According to Royal Museums Greenwich, there is no specific peak for Eta Aquariids, they tend to stabilize at a good rate for a week until May 7.
It is one of two rains created by the debris from Halley’s Comet; the other is the Orionid meteor shower in October with 25 shooting stars per hour.