A coronavirus testing center was opened in Sefton with the help of the army.
The pilot testing center at Esplanade Park and Ride in Southport has offered testing for key workers since earlier this week.
The tests were for those who isolated themselves because they or someone they live with were experiencing symptoms of COVID-19.
They were held several days this week, and testing ended today at 3 p.m.
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The direct access facility meant that key workers could be tested for the virus, allowing people in vital roles to return to work if they tested negative.
Soldiers in the Duke of Lancaster’s regiment were conducting tests through a swab sample from the patient’s nose and throat, which was then sent for analysis.
Employees who were eligible for the test were being contacted by their employer or could contact their bosses to request a test, either on behalf of themselves or someone who lives in their home.
Candidates were eligible for the tests if they were over the age of 18 and were symptomatic but not so sick that they could not function.
It is something that, at some point, has touched all of our lives.
From the cradle to the grave, the National Health Service and the incredible professionals who care for us are part of British life.
Today, more than ever, we must appreciate those who are dedicated to our care, without paying attention to their own health, as they work tirelessly to care for people in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.
Nurses and others, employed by the NHS and any other part of health and care, we have never needed them more.
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A million thanks, NHS workers, we love you.
Family members of those working in vital roles could also be tested if it meant that key workers had to isolate themselves until COVID-19 was ruled out.
Anyone who was too ill to work would not be eligible.

Councilman Ian Maher, leader of the Sefton Council, said: “The Sefton Council, working closely with our partners throughout the municipality, has been identifying key workers who meet the stringent testing criteria so that they can be tested for COVID-19 in a secure and accessible manner.
“Our dedicated workforces want to be on the job, supporting our local communities, and those who test negative will be able to return to the vital roles they play in the fight against the coronavirus.”
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A test center has already opened in Haydock Park Racecourse and other facilities will open in central Liverpool in the coming days.
The government aims to have around 50 regional testing centers open by the end of the month.
The news follows the launch of the Government’s partnership with universities, research institutes and companies to begin rolling out the network of new laboratories and field test sites across the UK, with 13 new test centers open so far.
Samples from test sites will be analyzed at new laboratories that have been established in Milton Keynes, Alderley Park and Glasgow using Thermo Fisher Scientific testing machines borrowed from universities across the country, as well as public sector research centers.
A statement from the Department of Health and Social Care said: “This network will provide thousands of additional PCR swab tests, used to identify whether you currently have the virus, for critical key workers, starting with front-line NHS personnel.
“This means that those who test negative for the coronavirus can return to work as soon as possible, and those who test positive can recover.”