MeToo’s allegations against filmmaker Anurag Kashyap have taken a dramatic turn after Bollywood actress Richa Chadha served little-known actor Payal Ghosh with legal notice. Richa, who was cast in a lead role by Kashyap in his critically acclaimed film. Gangs of Wasseypur, He said that Payal had refused to accept the legal notice provided by his lawyers.
On Instagram, Richa wrote: “Update: An electronic copy of the legal notice has been sent to Ms. Ghosh. My person, along with a person from my law office, went to personally deliver the printed copy of the notice to her residence, which she / representative refused to receive. We have your refusal on video. “
Richa previously shared the copy of her legal notice to Payal after she dragged the former’s name into her MeToo allegations against Kashyap. The notice read: “Our client, Ms. Richa Chadha ‘, condemns the fact that her name is unnecessarily and falsely dragged in a derogatory manner into controversies and complaints recently made by third parties. Although our Client believes that genuinely aggrieved women should obtain justice at all costs, there are laws that aim to ensure that women have an equal position in their workplace and to ensure that they have a friendly workplace where their dignity and self-esteem. protected. No woman should abuse her freedoms to harass other women with unfounded or non-existent, false and unsubstantiated accusations. Our client has taken the appropriate legal actions and will continue to exercise their legal rights and legal remedies that are advised in their best interest. “
Payal, in his interview with ABN Telugu, had sensationally alleged that Kashyap had tried to force his private pen ** into her private vagina ** when she went to meet him in his office. He had also quoted Kashyap as saying that he allegedly said that actors like Richa, Huma Qureshi and Mahie Gill were only a phone call away and could act in Kashyap films despite having an ordinary appearance in exchange for sexual favors.
Kashyap’s ex-wives, Kalki Koechlin and Aarti Bajaj, provided extraordinary support to their ex-husband. Kalki wrote: “I have witnessed it. On a personal and professional level, she has always seen me as her equal, has stood up for my integrity even after our divorce, and has supported me when I felt unsafe in a work environment even before we met. “
Aarti Bajaj wrote: “Here you have the first wife … You are a rock star @ anuragkashyap10. Continue to empower women as you do and the safest place you create for all of them. I see it first hand with our daughter. There is no integrity left and the world is full of losers and there are no brains howling for the blood of anyone with a voice. If everyone spends the energy they use to hate others in a constructive way, this world will be a better place. Cheapest hack I’ve seen so far. First it pissed me off, then I laughed so hard, as it can’t come more framed than this. I’m sorry you have to go through this. That is their level. You stay HIGH and keep using your voice. We love you.”
Interestingly, pro-BJP actor Kangana Ranaut had also taken a target at Kashyap’s failed marriages while reacting to Payal’s accusations.