Chennai Throughout the country, coronavirus spokespersons are not hiding the fact that they are now scared by the numbers. In New Delhi, Lav Agarwal said that people have to learn to live with the virus. In Karnataka, Minister Suresh Kumar said “the numbers are not good” before revealing that 48 new cases had appeared in the state on Friday.
Here in Chennai, the preliminary statement by Tamil Nadu Health Minister Dr. C Vijayabaskar was: “Don’t be scared by the Covid-19 numbers.”
And here they are: 600 new positive Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, nearly 400 of them from Chennai alone. In the past three days, each new day has brought 771, 590, and 600 cases, and the total has doubled in five days from 3,029 on May 3 to 6009 on May 8.
The southern state now ranks fourth on the coronavirus chart in the country, and is clearly accelerating to move higher.
Vijayabhaskar was clear on what had to be done: “It will be enough if the public cooperates with the government,” he told reporters during his briefing on the general situation in Tamil Nadu.
Before the journalist, he had participated in a video conference of health ministers with the Union’s health minister, Harsh Vardhan, who, like the Tamil Nadu minister, used to be a doctor.
Dr. Vijayabhaskar said that Dr. Harsh Vardhan appreciated Tamil Nadu’s efforts to combat the coronavirus in terms of better treatment, isolation, containment and coordination. In particular, the state has the lowest mortality rate of 0.68% in the country.
The remarkable thing about the Tamil Nadu crown augmentation is that almost 80 percent of cases are asymptomatic. Faced with a wave of cases that need monitoring, treatment and isolation, the state is recommending ‘home quarantine’ for milder cases, with constant monitoring, of course.
This, the fiat to tell mild cases to stay home and take care of themselves, is part of the updated guidelines issued by the Indian government.
In Tamil Nadu, such patients in home quarantine will receive a ‘kit’ containing what to do and what not to do. This DIY Coronavirus Kit will have the Nostrum Kabasura Kudineer to Boost Immunity, Zinc Plus, Vitamin C, Vitamin D Tablets, Herbal Powder, Soap, Masks, and Hand Sanitizer.
Tamil Nadu’s sudden outbreak in the past three days is the result of more vigorous testing, especially in hot spots such as the Koyambedu market in Chennai, which has contributed 1,589 cases, or approximately 26.50 percent, to total cases of crown of 6,009 in Tamil Nadu.
This is due to the intense “follow-up, tracking and testing” of people associated with the “primary people” who tested positive in Koyembedu.
Vijayabhaskar stated: “We are testing more people per day than even Maharashtra.”