India’s airline regulator asked IndiGo, the country’s largest airline, on Friday to take action against passengers who broke flight rules while chasing a Bollywood actress aboard a plane, a government official told Reuters.
- Reuters
- Last update: September 11, 2020 9:21 PM IST
NEW DELHI: India’s airline regulator called on IndiGo, the country’s largest airline, on Friday to take action against passengers who violated flight rules while chasing a Bollywood actress aboard a plane, an official said from the government to Reuters.
Actress Kangana Ranaut, who has been in the spotlight lately due to a fight with the ruling political party in the western state of Maharashtra, was traveling from the northern city of Chandigarh to Mumbai on Wednesday on an IndiGo flight.
In a video posted on social media by local news website The Quint, television news reporters are seen towering over each other and jostling with other passengers in an attempt to record video and take pictures of Ranaut while listening. to the airline crew making announcements asking passengers to take their seats and follow the rules.
An official from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), India’s aviation security watchdog, said there were multiple violations, including on-board photography and violation of COVID-19 protocols.
“There are several problems … We have asked the airline to take appropriate action against those responsible,” the official said, adding that certain actions fall within the scope of rebellious behavior on board.
According to Indian aviation rules, unruly passengers can be banned from flying for a period of time.
In a statement on Friday, IndiGo Airlines said it had submitted a report to the DGCA about the incident and that its crew had done everything possible to prevent passengers from breaking the rules.
“We would like to reiterate that our cabin crew, as well as the captain, followed all necessary protocols, including postings to restrict photography, follow social distancing, and maintain general safety,” the IndiGo statement said.