Delhi Police Woman Tracks 76 Missing Children in 3 Months, Gets Out-of-Shift Promotion: The Tribune India

New Delhi, November 19

Woman Police Chief Seema Dhaka from Samaypur Badli Police Station has become the first Delhi police officer to get an off-shift promotion to track missing children under the incentive scheme announced by the Police Commissioner of Delhi SN Shrivastava.

It has located 76 missing children and 56 of them are under 14 years old.

These missing children have been traced not only in Delhi, but in other states such as Punjab and West Bengal.

“These 76 children were reported to have disappeared from various Delhi police stations and W / HC Seema Dhaka made a sincere and thorough effort and tracked them down within two and a half months from Delhi and other states,” Anil said. Mittal, additional police officer from PRO Delhi.

In order to motivate police personnel to locate or recover children who have disappeared from their homes, the Police Commissioner issued an incentive plan on August 5, 2020 to the effect that “Any officer or chief of police who recover 50 or more missing children under 14 years of age (of which 15 children in the age group under 8 years old) within a period of 12 calendar months will be considered for the granting of the out-of-shift promotion. “

Additionally, those who track more than 15 children in the same period will receive ‘Asadharan Karya Puraskar’. This order has marked a sea change in the tracking or recovery of missing children, with more and more children being tracked since August 2020.

According to 2019 data, 3,336 children were tracked out of 5,412 children who had disappeared: or 62% of the missing children were tracked by the Delhi Police.

This year through October, the Delhi police located a total of 2,629 children of the 3507 missing.