In a sensational revelation, the name of Bollywood’s top actress, Deepika Padukone, has emerged in the latest drug abuse investigation conducted by the Bureau of Narcotics Control (NCB). WhatsApp conversations have reportedly gone viral in which the actress allegedly asks for hashish (or hashish, a drug made from the cannabis plant) from a certain person named ‘K’, who many believe to be her manager, Karishma Prakash.
Prakash has been summoned by the OCN for questioning. The update comes after the name of Rhea Chakraborty’s talent manager, Jaya Saha, appeared in some of the text messages with the former. As reported by Republic, both ‘D’ and ‘K’ were part of the WhatsApp group that talked about drugs. Republic has confirmed that the ‘D’ in the drug chat is Deepika Padukone.
According to Republic, the conversation on October 28, 2017 went something like this:
10:03 AM (+ 91-992 ——-) ‘D’ (believed to be Deepika): K… Do you have Maal?
10:05 AM (+ 91-961 ——-) ‘K’: I have it but at home. I’m in Bandra …
10:05, K: I can ask Amit if you want
10:07, Deepika: Yes !! Pllleeeeasssee
10:08, K: Amit has. Takes it
10:12, Deepika: Hash na?
10:12, Deepika: No marijuana
10:14, K: What time do you come to Koko?
10:15: Deepika: 1130 / 12ish
10:15: Deepika: Until what time is Shal there?
K: I think he said 11:30 because he needs to do it at the other place at 12
In another conversation between ‘N’ and ‘J’, accessed by Times Now, it is reported that two people are discussing the acquisition of MDMA, the banned drug.
According to the chats, N messaged J: “You promised me, get me a good MD (apparently referring to MDMA) in Bombay and we’ll party together.”
To which J replied: “How are you turning me into a street vendor. However, your wish is my command. “
In other WhatsApp exchanges, J sent an ‘S’ message, “Hello, I am sending the CBD oil with Jinal today.” To which, S said, “Thank you.”
‘N’ and ‘S’ are believed to be the best Bollywood actresses, while ‘J’ is believed to be Jaya Saha.
Jaya Saha’s name had come up during Rhea Chakraborty’s questioning where, speaking with Rhea on November 25, 2019, Jaya had advised her: “Use 4 drops in tea or water and let (presumably Sushant Singh Rajput) sip it… Give 30 -40 minutes to kick ”. Thank you very much, ”Rhea had sent to Jaya Saha. To that, Jaya had responded to Rhea saying “No problem bro, I hope it helps”.
Rhea was arrested on September 9 and is currently in Byculla Jail.
Drug link
Karishma Prasad and Jaya Saha work with KWAN Talent Management Agency in Mumbai, which was co-founded by film producer Madhu Mantena Varma. He was previously married to fashion designer Masaba Gupta and Bollywood actress Nandana Sen, daughter of Nobel laureate Amartya Sen. He also co-founded Phantom Films with filmmaker Anurag Kashyap along with Vikas Bahl and Vikramaditya Motwane. Phantom Films was disbanded following the October 2018 #MeToo allegations about Vikas Bahl, where he was accused of sexually harassing an actress. Recently, Anurag Kashyap was also accused of sexually assaulting an actress, Payal Ghosh.