Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, who has been under the Office of Narcotics Control scanner for her alleged role in the Bollywood drug mafia case, had categorically denied using or acquiring drugs during her interrogation by the department. Saturday. Now Aaj Tak has revealed that the Padmavat actor, during questioning, had made some strange claims.
When confronted with his WhatsApp conversations from the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), Padukone stated that by ‘Maal’ he was referring to cigarettes and ‘Hash’ he was referring to different brands of cigarettes.
दीपिका पादुकोण का दावा- हम सिगरेट को कोड में ‘माल’ कहते हैं
लाइव: #Mumbai #NCB | @ShamsTahirKhan @anjanaomkashyap– AajTak (@aajtak) September 28, 2020
According to the news channel, the NCB was of the opinion that the three actors, namely Deepika Padukone, Sara Ali Khan and Shraddha Kapoor, who were questioned on Saturday, were very well trained and well informed in advance about what to say during the interrogation. . The three of them spoke in an extremely calculated manner, as if they had been briefed beforehand, about what had to be said in front of the investigation department.
Jaya Shah, Krishna Prakash also made equally strange claims
Interestingly, talent manager Jaya Saha, who is being branded the ‘kingpin’ of the case, had also stated that the terms ‘doobies’ and ‘buds’ in the drug talks referred to cigarettes. Furthermore, Deepika Padukone’s manager, Karishma Prakash, during her round of interrogations also claimed that “hashish” was not “a drug”.
It should be remembered that in the WhatsApp conversations, Deepika was supposedly asking for ‘maal’ – hashish (or hashish, drug made from the cannabis plant) from a certain person named ‘K’, her manager, Karishma Prakash, who also works with KWAN, the talent management agency that manages the actor.
Deepika Padukone grilled for over 5 hours on Saturday
Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone was tested by the Office of Narcotics Control, as she was interrogated for more than 5 hours on Saturday. It was reported how Deepika Padukone had agreed to be part of the WhatsApp group but had kept a stoic silence on the drug issue.
Meanwhile, Karishma Prakash during her first day of interrogation on Friday, accepted that Deepika was the administrator of the WhatsApp group.
NCB seizes phones as alleged ‘drug’ chats were made using the same phones
The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), which questioned Bollywood actor Rakul Preet Singh, Deepika Padukone, her manager and the employee of Kwan’s dubious talent management agency, Karishma Prakash, and fashion designer Simone Khambatta on Friday and Saturday in relation to drugs. case related to the death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, has seized their mobile phones. The agency had collected their phones as the alleged drug talks were made using the same phones, the source said.
The source also said that the NCB has picked up the phone of former Sushant talent manager Jaya Saha.
In addition to Deepika, Rakul, Khambatta and Karishma, the NCB also interrogated Bollywood actors Shraddha Kapoor and Sara Ali Khan on Saturday for several hours.