COVID-19: Odisha’s account shoots up sharply by 58 to reach 352


COVID-19 cases in Odisha soared to 58 to touch 352 on May 10, with people returning from other states increasingly testing for the disease.

According to the state government update, 29 new cases were reported from the Ganjam district, followed by Balasore and Angul with 15 and 13 cases. Mayurbhanj added a lone positive case to the account.

Ganjam leads the table with 118 positive cases, while Angul lost his green zone status when reporting COVID-19 cases for the first time. Balasore also moved quickly up the list with a total of 42 cases.

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Among the 58 new cases are 41 people who had returned from Surat, a critical point of coronavirus in the country. While the 29 infected in Ganjam had a history of travel to Surat, 11 of the total 13 people from Angul had traveled from the city of Gujarat.

West Bengal Link

Balasore, which shares borders with West Bengal, had 10 of 15 new cases linked to the neighboring State, while the remaining five had come from Karnataka.

Except for one case in Angul, all those who tested positive are currently in various quarantine centers.

It is concerning that a person in the Angul district is local without any travel history. Now, infections have been reported in 20 of Odisha’s 30 districts.

“No need to panic”

Claiming that there has been an increase in the number of positive cases in recent days, Subroto Bagchi, the state’s chief spokesman, said there was no reason to panic as these cases had been detected mainly in quarantine centers.

According to government protocol, all returnees from different states are being taken directly to quarantine centers where they have to spend the mandatory 21 days of the quarantine period before undergoing home quarantine for another week.

A seven-member team, led by the Director of Health Services, with representatives from the World Health Organization and the Regional Medical Research Center of the Indian Council of Medical Research, was dispatched to Ganjam to strengthen containment, surveillance and the medical response after the sharp increase in cases in the district.

Meanwhile, two trains, which left from Surat and Chennai, are expected to arrive at Jagannathpur in Ganjam.

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