Updated: May 4, 2020 5:06:14 pm
Pedestrians wear personal protective equipment while walking on the main street. (AP Photo / Frank Franklin II)
Coronavirus Latest updates: The number of infections due to the new coronavirus (COVID-19) crossed three million (3,505,761 cases) worldwide and the figure was 2.47,431. The United States reported the highest number of infections with 1,157,945 cases, followed by Spain (2,17,466), Italy (2,10,717), the United Kingdom (1,887,842) and France (1,688,925), according to Johns Hopkins University . .
Meanwhile, the United States has the highest number of deaths, with a total of 67,682, followed by Italy (28,884), the United Kingdom (28,446), Spain (25,264) and France (24,864). On the other hand, more than a million people have already recovered from the deadly virus worldwide.
Health experts have warned of a possible second wave of infections unless the tests expand dramatically once the blockages are relaxed.
These are some of the main world developments:
An empty street in Via Condotti as the Italian government continues restrictive movement measures to combat the coronavirus outbreak in Rome. (Reuters)
Japan’s Abe extends state of emergency until May 31
Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Monday that he had decided to extend the country’s national state of emergency until May 31. Abe will consider lifting the state of emergency without waiting for it to expire on May 31 if experts decide it’s possible based on a detailed analysis of the region. infection trends, he said at the start of a meeting of the government’s coronavirus task force.
For the second day in a row, Spanish health officials are reporting 164 new confirmed deaths from the coronavirus, the lowest number of daily deaths in six weeks, to a total of 25,428.
Travelers wearing face masks to protect themselves against coronavirus on the platform of the Atocha train station in Madrid, Spain, Spain, Monday May 4, 2020. (AP)
The figures were a respite for a country that has spent seven weeks under a tight lockdown and entered Monday the first stage of its 4-phase lockdown reversal, which is expected to span nearly two months.
People ventured for the first time to cut their hair, buy glasses or takeout, activities that are allowed on the condition of a pre-existing appointment.
China still faces the risk of a spike in COVID-19 cases as 10 regions at the provincial level have reported new cases of locally transmitted coronaviruses in the past two weeks, a senior health official warned Monday. The National Health Commission (NHC) said three new confirmed cases of COVID-19 were reported Sunday.
All three were Chinese who came from abroad. In addition, 13 new asymptomatic cases were reported, including two imported ones. As of Sunday, 962 asymptomatic cases, including 98 from abroad, were still under medical observation, the NHC said. Asymptomatic cases refer to people who had a positive COVID-19 result but who did not develop symptoms such as fever, cough, or sore throat.
IN PHOTOS | Back in business: shops, restaurants, open beaches in some countries
However, they do present a risk of spreading the disease to others. NHC spokesman Mi Feng said 10 regions at the provincial level have reported new locally transmitted or asymptomatic cases in the past 14 days, highlighting that there is still a risk of a resurgence and even the spread of the epidemic, it reported the state news agency Xinhua. .
People wait for a mask and food distribution in New York, after a new state mandate was issued requiring residents to wear face covers in public due to the COVID-19 coronavirus, (AP Photo / Bebeto Matthews)
Greece gradually lifts the 42-day blockade
Greece has begun to gradually lift its restrictive measures after a 42-day blockade to stop the spread of the coronavirus. As of Monday morning, Greeks no longer have restrictions on why they can leave their homes, and they don’t need to send an SMS or carry a written permit justifying being outdoors.
The first companies were also opened as part of what authorities said will be a phased reopening of the economy. Now you can open hairdressers, hair salons, and shops that sell books, sports equipment, stationery, and other items, albeit with strict hygiene and social distancing measures. The masks are now mandatory for staff and passengers on public transportation, staff in stores that sell fresh food and in various other places, and violators face fines.
Medical workers in protective suits push a patient on a stretcher in front of the Tor Vergata Polyclinic, where patients suffering from coronavirus disease (COVID-19) are housed, in Rome, Italy. (REUTERS / Remo Casilli)
Authorities recommend wearing masks in all interior public areas. High school students in the last grade of high school should return to classes starting next week, followed later in the month by those in the rest of the middle and high school grades.
While millions of people took advantage of reduced coronavirus blocks to enjoy the spring weather, some of the world’s most populous countries reported worrying new spikes of infections on Sunday, including India, which experienced its biggest jump in a single day. Second in population, in China alone, India reported more than 2,600 new infections.
In Russia, new cases exceeded 10,000 for the first time. The confirmed death toll in Britain rose close to that of Italy, the epicenter of the European outbreak, despite the UK population being younger than Italy and Britain having more time to prepare before the pandemic. The United States continues to see tens of thousands of new infections every day, with more than 1,400 new deaths reported on Saturday.
Police train a crowd when hundreds of people gather in New York’s Brooklyn district. (Todd Maisel via AP)
New Zealand reports no new cases of coronavirus for the first time since mid-March
New Zealand has not registered new cases of coronavirus for the first time since March 16, the health ministry said Monday at a press conference. There were no additional deaths related to the virus, and the number of deaths remained at 20, said Director-General of Health, Ashley Bloomfield. The total number of confirmed cases in the country is 1,137, he said.
China reports 3 new cases of coronavirus, all imported
A boy wearing a protective face mask to help curb the spread of the new coronavirus plays with bubbles next to a masked woman as they walk across pavement in Beijing. (AP Photo / Andy Wong)
China reported three new coronavirus cases for May 3, compared to two the day before, data from the national health authority showed on Monday. All new cases were imported, said the National Health Commission. The commission also reported 13 new asymptomatic cases as of May 3, an increase of one from the previous day. The number of confirmed cases in China has reached 82,880. With no new deaths reported, the number of deaths remained at 4,633.
President Donald Trump insisted Sunday that “both can be satisfied”: See how some states gradually lift the blockades while protecting people from the coronavirus pandemic that has killed more than 60,000 Americans. The president, answering questions from Americans at a virtual Lincoln Memorial town hall, acknowledged valid fears on both sides of the issue.
A couple temporarily takes off the protective masks they wear to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), as they snap a photo at an amusement park in Seoul. REUTERS / Kim Hong-Ji
Some people are concerned about getting sick; others are reeling from the loss of jobs and livelihoods. But while Trump increased his projection for total deaths in the US. USA At 80,000 or 90,000, more than 20,000 deaths than he had suggested a few weeks ago, he took a note of urgency to restart the nation’s economy, stating “we have to reopen our country.”
“We have to reopen it safely but as quickly as possible,” Trump said. After more than a month of being locked up in the White House, Trump returned from a weekend at the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland for the virtual council organized by the Fox News Channel.
A man wearing a protective mask walks as the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues in Rome, Italy. (REUTERS / Alberto Lingria)
The president said of his background: “We never had a more beautiful ensemble than this.” As concerns about his reelection offer mount, Trump clung to his relentlessly optimistic view of the nation’s ability to recover soon. “Everything is working,” Trump said. “It is horrible to pass, but it is working.”
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Sunday that there was “a significant amount of evidence” that the new coronavirus emerged from a Chinese laboratory, but did not question the conclusion by US intelligence agencies that it was not man-made. ” There is a significant amount of evidence that this came from that laboratory in Wuhan. “
A woman walks down an empty street during a nationwide confinement to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, in central Lyon, central France. (AP Photo / Laurent Cipriani)
Pompeo told ABC “This Week,” referring to the virus that emerged late last year in China and killed about 240,000 people worldwide, including more than 67,000 in the United States. Pompeo then briefly contradicted a statement released last Thursday by the United States’ top spy agency that the virus did not appear to be man-made or genetically modified.
That statement undermines conspiracy theories promoted by anti-China activists and some supporters of President Donald Trump that suggest it was developed in a Chinese government biological weapons laboratory. ” Until now, the best experts seem to think it was man-made. I have no reason not to believe that right now, “said Pompeo.
French coronavirus quarantine to save travelers from the Schengen area and the UK
Travelers to France arriving from a country in the Schengen open border area of Europe or Britain will be exempt from a planned two-week mandatory quarantine, the French consulate in Britain said on Sunday. The new quarantine rules will apply to travelers, whether French or foreign, as part of the fight against the new coronavirus.
A man relaxes on a bench in London, next to a Paddington Bear sculpture, while the country is locked up to help curb the spread of the coronavirus. (AP Photo / Frank Augstein)
Details will be provided in a decree specifying the measures set out in a bill that extends a state of emergency until July 24. The measure allows the government to restrict freedom of movement to try to stem the spread of the coronavirus. “People entering French territory from countries in the European area (EU / Schengen and United Kingdom) will NOT be affected by the quarantine measure announced in France, the details of which will be specified shortly,” said the French consulate in Great Britain in Twitter in a verified account.
France, which has been the fifth most affected country with 24,895 deaths from COVID-19, is preparing to gradually lift the blockade measures starting on May 11.
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