A family with a mask as a precaution against the coronavirus travels by motorcycle in Hyderabad (AP)
On criticism of the government for a sudden blockade and poor management of the situation, Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan said: “If the blockade had not been used properly and things had not been monitored, the 17,000 facilities Dedicated Covid’s would not have appeared. Today there are 1773 laboratories. Today there is a laboratory every three kilometers in the country. We have tested Rs 6.37 crore and just yesterday did 12 lakh tests. We have achieved our goals ahead of time. “
He said the government began work on January 8 and that the warnings had been sent to all states on January 17. He said doctors and paramedics needed to be trained as the pandemic unfolded and that when reports came in that they had been attacked, the government issued an ordinance. to protect them.
During the debate, the Opposition harshly criticized the government for its “lack of adequate recognition of the scale and complexity of the problem” and “the abrupt announcement of the closure.”
Instead of mature and proactive governance, we have collectively witnessed a fundamental breakdown in the government machinery in recent months, rather than clearly communicated protocols and comprehensive strategies, we have collectively witnessed an alarming lack of clarity, willingness and preparation to fight the virus, ”said Congressman Shashi Tharoor.
House Congressional Leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury said: “No country has lost as many doctors or health workers as India. The government is not willing to accept community transmission. If there was a well-designed strategy, we would not see this day. “
Quoting Thirukkural, DMK’s Dayanidhi Maran said that the King should always have good advisers. “You should have stopped him … But no one had the courage to tell him that what he was doing was not right,” he said.