Chennai subway trains are not idle during blockade


While the city is primarily at home, two Chennai Metro Rail trains with empty carriages take turns touring the city every day.

“This is part of the maintenance activity, to ensure that the trains are in good condition and running well when operations are resumed in the coming weeks,” said an official with Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL).

At the depot, 42 trains are now parked. They are destined to operate the 45 km phase I project, which is already fully operational, and the next 9 km phase I extension under construction.

“If these trains are not maintained, it will not be possible to run them and several problems can arise. Every day, a set of trains is operated, the different operations of aspects of a train are verified from the operation of the air conditioning to the brakes”, said the official.

“Now, on a rotating basis, the trains are sent out for a test in the morning and at night. Overhead cables are also tested periodically. It is essential to keep them in working order, so that we are always ready when the announcement comes to start Chennai Metro Rail services. ”

Trains are cleaned and stations are also fumigated as staff arrive at stations to check. In addition, every week, there is an inspection to monitor maintenance, another official said.

While it is not known when Chennai Metro Rail will begin services after the blockade is lifted, the sources said they will develop a standard operating procedure and take preventative measures and only then resume services. “We will guarantee the safety of our passengers when the trains start running again,” said the official.

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