CBSE to implement the most suitable strategy for taking offline exams

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) recently confirmed conducting the 2021 board exams in offline mode. The exams will follow the usual pencil and paper based approach and no online exams will be taken.

“Board exams have always been done offline. This year, due to unprecedented challenges, everything has moved online and many people were speculating about the possibility of board exams online. It is important to clear up the confusion for students, ”Sanyam Bhardwaj, test controller, CBSE, told the Education Times.

He said it is too early to release any details regarding the 2021 board exams, as the board is consulting with various stakeholders to devise the most appropriate strategy to run the exams smoothly.

“The CBSE compartment exams were held earlier this year in the midst of the pandemic and we will be able to administer the board exams in 2021 in offline mode without issue. There are no plans to delay the exams and it will take place in February-March as usual. We hope that states will reopen schools soon and that students will have time to prepare for exams, ”adds Bhardwaj.

Board applicants have a mandatory component of practical exams and taking these exams with schools closed is an extremely difficult task. Bhardwaj, however, says that once schools reopen, schools will have more time than last year to complete practical exams.

“Generally, the schools are around 1.5 months old. This year, they may have more than two months to take practical exams and complete all the paperwork while following the Covid-19 guidelines and social distancing rules, ”he says.

Now that board exams will be taken offline, many students are also concerned about the date sheet and whether they would have enough days off between exams.

“While preparing the date sheet in 2019, the students got enough days off between the two exams. Even if some exams were scheduled consecutively, she made sure the post exam was easy. Due to the Covid-19 situation and academic loss, there is a possibility that students will have more days off than last year. We are open to all options, ”adds Bhardwaj.
