Amid mounting speculation about the CBSE Board Exams 2021, JEE Main, NEET 2021 dates and curriculum, Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank invited teachers on Saturday (December 12) for an interaction online December 17. It should be noted that Pokhriyal had held an online interaction with students, teachers, parents and other stakeholders on December 10 to address their queries regarding the Cnetral Board Secondary Education Board exams, NEET 2021 and JEE 2021 exams. .
During his webinar with the students, Pokhriyal did not make any announcements about the dates of the CBSE Class 10,12 Board Exams 2021, but made it clear that the exams will take place in 2021 and asked the students to prepare for the CBSEs. 2021 Board Exams.
During the interaction, the Union Minister announced major changes to the JEE Main, including relaxation in the pattern and the completion of four attempts at the engineering entrance exam. During his webinar on December 17th, Pokhriyal is expected to talk about CBSE Class 10, 12 Board exams and may make any announcements about exam dates.
Pokhriyal also made it clear during the last live interaction that competitive exams will also take place, including JEE and NEET 2021.
In a recent tweet, the official leadership of the Ministry of Education revealed: “Teachers, Union Minister of Education Shri @DrRPNishank
will be live on December 17 | 4 pm to discuss upcoming board exams. Location: His Twitter / FB Pages (Username: @DrRPNishank) Feel free to share your queries / concerns with him using #EducationMinisterGoesLive. (sic)”
Teachers, Minister of Education of the Union Shri @DrRPNishank go to #Live December 17 | 4 pm to discuss upcoming board exams.
Location: Your Twitter / FB pages (Username:@DrRPNishank)
Feel free to share your queries / concerns with him using #EducationMinisterGoesLive.– Ministry of Education (@EduMinOfIndia) December 12, 2020
During their last live interaction, Pokhriyal said in response to a query that no further cuts to the board’s exam schedule can be ruled out, but that a final decision will be made on them after consultations with stakeholders.
However, the minister did not make any announcements about the reduction of the syllabus for the NEET 2021 and JEE 2021 exams, but experts argue that the syllabus is likely to be drastically reduced for these competitive exams as well.
During the live web session with students and teachers, the Minister of Education hinted at a growing number of JEE Main attempts from two to three or four. “We are considering suggestions to increase the number of attempts for JEE Main from two to three or four,” said Nishank, adding that there are no plans to cancel the exam.
Pokhriyal did not disclose any final or tentative dates for the NEET 2021 exam, but said that NEET 2021 will not be canceled and asked students to prepare for the exam. The minister said that the NEET examination has always been conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) in offline mode, but due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the NTA is also discussing conducting NEET 2021 in online mode.
It is known that CBSE will release the CBSE 2021 admission card for the upcoming CBSE 2021 Board exams after the board publishes the CBSE 2021 date sheet for the 10th and 12th. The admission card is an important document required to obtain the entrance in the center of the Central Board of Secondary Examination.
It should be noted that schools provide the admission cards for regular CBSE students, while private CBSE students must download their admission cards from the official website. But it seems that this year there would be some changes due to the coronavirus pandemic.
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CBSE schools will reportedly need to generate a user ID and password for each student and these admission cards will have digital signatures of the school’s authorized person or principal.