The Central Bureau of Investigation questioned two IAS officers from the Uttar Pradesh cadre, Alok Kumar and Aparna U, on Sunday regarding the alleged irregularities in the investment of more than Rs 4,300 million of provident funds belonging to Uttar employees. Pradesh Power Corporation Limited in the DHFL (Dewan Housing Finance Ltd) scam, led by Dheeraj and Kapil Wadhawan, and other home finance companies, officials said.
The wadhwans are currently in CBI custody in connection with the Yes Bank probe.
While Kumar, a 1988 batch officer, was questioned for more than eight hours, Aparna U, the 2001 batch officer, was questioned for almost six hours on Saturday.
According to the UP Government website, Kumar is currently posted as UP’s Chief Secretary for Infrastructure and Industrial Development, while Aparna is posted as Secretary in the state government’s Department of Irrigation and Water Resources.
During the UPPCL PF scam investigation, the CBI found that more than Rs 4,323 crore from effort earned by UPPCL employees under the provident fund was allegedly invested in DHFL and other housing finance companies during Kumar’s tenure as UPPCL President in 2017-19 officials said.
Aparna U also participated in the investment of Rs 3,245 crore in DHFL and other companies for Rs 4,323 crore, they added.
According to the CBI FIR in the case, it is alleged that a total of Rs 4,122.70 crore was invested in the DHFL, of which Rs 2,267.90 crore is still pending, authorities said.
It is also alleged that UPPCL officials conspired to make provident funds deposited in DHFL schemes that circumvented rules that did not encourage such investments.
The CBI took over the investigation into the UP police scam on March 5 this year.
Dewan Housing Finance Corporation (DHFL) is facing multiple investigations after a report suggested that the company, through layers of shell companies, allegedly diverted Rs 31,000 crore from bank loans from Rs 97,000 crore.