Updated: November 29, 2020 1:51:21 pm
IIM CAT 2020: Around 2.27 lakh of candidates are appearing today in the Common Admission Test which takes place in around 156 test cities across the country. The exams are held in three spaces: space 1 (8: 30-10: 30 am), space 2 (12: 30-2: 30 pm) and space 3 (3: 30- 5:30 pm).
Candidates in position 1 rated the new CAT article as moderate and balanced. Harshita Rai, aspiring CAT, said it was a balanced job, with a VARC section a bit difficult. “The VARC questions, as usual, were very complicated, including English, whereas sections like DILR, QA were easier than last year,” Harshita said. She expects around the 90th percentile.
IIM CAT 2020 LIVE UPDATES | Candidate reactions, job analysis
Another candidate, Shreya Mukherjee, said that other than the DILR section, others were balanced and easy. “There are a total of 76 questions, with equal weighting for all sections, VARC-26, QA-26, DILR-24. The difficulty level of the VARC section is high followed by DILR, while the QA section is quite easy. The QA section consists of 10 questions from modern mathematics, 8 from algebra, measurement-2, and arithmetic of rest, ”said Shreya.
Philip Thomas, Product Manager at TIME Bangalore, reviewed the article so easily compared to the previous year. “The first section, VRC, was as tough as last year, while the how many and verbal skill sections were comparatively easier. It may be due to COVID, the sections were kept at a level where someone with basic knowledge could also solve a couple of questions. This could increase the cutoff value. As for the sections, the limit of verbal ability will remain the same, while for the break in two sections it could be higher than last year, ”said the director of TIME Bangalore.
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Abhishek Patil, CEO of Oliveboard, called the article moderate, with the English section a bit tricky. “The TITA questions were easy and one should try them first. The DILR part was easier for everyone and the English consisted of complicated questions, ”said Abhishek. Candidates can expect a 99th percentile score that ranges from 46 to 48 points, Chief Executive Officer Oliveboard said.
The analysis of spaces 2, 3 will be followed. Candidates can consult the detailed analysis after 5:30 pm.
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