Bengaluru: A case has been registered against the Congress President, Sonia Gandhi, in Karnataka, in connection with a tweet published in the official part of the deal alleging the misuse of the PM-CARES Fund, police said.
The Sacred city of the police in Shivamogga district of the registered in the case of the Wednesday based on a complaint by Praveen KV, who stated that @INCIndia, the official Twitter handle of the Congress, tried to create distrust among the masses
with your tweet for the dissemination of ” unfounded accusations.’
The Congress of state, condemned the registration of the case. The case has been registered under sections 153 and 505 (1)(B) of the IPC, which relate to on a whim to motivate people and incitement to commit a crime against any other
of the class or of the community.
The plaintiff alleges that on May 11 at 6 pm, the INC India Twitter account posted messages against the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, citing a “misuse” of the PM-CARES Fund created to allow individuals to contribute to help the government to fight against the coronavirus, and “similar stressful situations.”
He tried a legal action against Sonia Gandhi, and the Congress of the workers involved in the management of the Twitter account. Karnataka Congress spokesperson Subhash Agarwal condemned the registration of case and said: “it is the role and responsibility of the opposition to question the government. Democracy will die if the opposition has a voice, gagged.”
He also said that the party has always maintained that it was not necessary for the PM-CARES Fund when the PM relief Fund already existed.