The anchor allocation was made at Rs 1,230 per share. Smallcap World Fund is the largest investor as it is allocated 9% of the anchor investment portion. Other investors include the Government of Singapore and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, to which 4.5 percent of each share was allocated.
Additionally, 13 national mutual funds across a total of 30 plans were allocated 36.46 percent of the total anchor investment portion.
CAMS’s IPO of Rs 2,242 crore, the biggest issue of fiscal year 21 so far, will open for subscription on Monday. The company is expected to announce the details of the anchor assignment later in the day.
The price band for the issue has been set at Rs 1,229-1,230 and prospective retail investors are required to bid for a minimum of one lot of 12 shares or multiples thereof. Retail investors can bid for a maximum of 13 lots.
There are 1,82,46,600 shares in the block held by NSE Investments, which will discharge 37.4 percent of the stake, following a directive from Sebi on February 4 to exit the company entirely.
Incorporated in 1988, the company is India’s largest mutual fund registrar and transfer agent today, with an aggregate market share of 70 percent based on Average Assets Under Management of Mutual Funds (AAUM). The company’s MF clients include four of the five largest mutual funds and nine of the 15 largest AAUM-based mutual funds during July 2020.
Kotak Mahindra Capital, HDFC Bank, ICICI Securities and Nomura Financial Advisory and Securities are the main book managers of the issue.