CA Exams 2020: ICAI will hold the November exams starting tomorrow | Photo Credit: Representative Image
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, ICAI would begin the November exams starting tomorrow, November 21, 2020, across the country. The exams will be taken at 1085 centers until December 14, 2020. The Institute has issued an opt-out plan for students who are willing to skip the November exams and can opt for the January exams.
So far, nearly 31,500 applicants out of the 4.7 lakh total of students have opted out of the November exam. Of these, two thirds have opted for the additional attempt offered by ICAI in January and the remaining 11,687 candidates have opted for the May session.
However, many students have begun to express concern over Twitter against ICAI for conducting CA exams amid the pandemic. Hashtag ICAI_BE_TRANSPARENT is a trend on the social media platform where students from all over the country protest taking exams, as many states are observing the closure, some centers have been changed to isolation centers, etc.
In the meantime, ICAI has published an official notice for a certain category of candidates stating on social media that despite being Covid + ve tested, they intend to sit for CA exams The spread of false rumors / violation of DMA2015 will be treated appropriately in accordance with the law.
Thursday, the Institute has released the January / February 2021 CA exam date. The Certified Public Accountant exam will take place from January 21, 2021 onwards. The full calendar would be available on the official site in December along with the admission card.
However, the Institute has published the set of guidelines for taking the exams. According to the guidelines, the seating arrangements where candidates will appear for the exam will be properly sanitized. All door handles, stair railings, etc. must be disinfected. The thermal scan would be done at the entrance. The use of masks and hand sanitizers will be necessary for the candidates.