SRINAGAR: The Border Security Force (BSF) claimed on Sunday to have detected another ‘suspicious tunnel’ along the 198 km stretch of the International Border (IB) with Pakistan in the Samba district of Jammu and Kashmir. The tunnel may have been used to push militants around Pakistan, he said.
J&K Police Director General Dilbag Singh said it is a 150 meter long underground tunnel that was unearthed following investigations of the recent encounter near a toll plaza in the Nagrota area along the highway. Jammu-Srinagat in which four militants were shot dead by security. cash.
Mr. Singh after inspecting the tunnel scene together with BSF Inspector General, Jammu Border, NS Jamwal, and Inspector General of Police, Jammu Range, Mukesh Singh said: “J&K Police shared some vital supplies found at the site of the encounter with the BSF that after frantic efforts, managed to find the tunnel “.
The BSF claimed that it found bags of cement bearing Pakistani brand names in the depths of the tunnel.
BSF officials said a small tunnel was found by a paramilitary force patrol group in the Regal area of Samba in the IB. “The tunnel is located near the IB and is suspected of being used for infiltration,” they said, adding that senior officials rushed to the site and the matter is being investigated.
The BSF is tasked with protecting the 198 km stretch of the India-Pakistan border in the Jammu region. Being part of the 2,912 km India-Pakistan border from Gujarat to J&K, it begins at Paharpur in Kathua district and ends at Chicken’s Neck corridor in Akhnoor sector, where LoC begins. The LoC ends at NJ9842 (the northernmost point demarcated from the ceasefire line) by the Siachen Glacier over which India and Pakistan claim sovereignty.
In India, this 198 km stretch is called the international border by New Delhi, but Islamabad calls it a “working limit.” Pakistan claims it passes through the “disputed” region of J&K.
In the past, the BSF also claimed to have discovered underground tunnels along the IB.
Meanwhile, a security alert sounded along the Control Line at J & K’s Poonch on Sunday after a flying object was detected in the Mendhar sector of the district. Official sources said the object was likely a drone that was reportedly fired by the military.
SDPO Mendhar ZA Jafri told local news agency GNS that the Army’s Special Counterinsurgency Operations Group (SOG) and police were conducting searches in the area.