The ongoing season of the popular reality TV show Bigg Boss has gained momentum after the entry of challengers Manu Punjabi, Rakhi Sawant, Arshi Khan, Rahul Mahajan and Kashmera Shah. Aly Goni, Rahul Vaidya and Nikki Tamboli, who were evicted from Bigg Boss 14’s house, also returned by popular demand.
This week, viewers were able to witness a high intensity drama inside the house. Vikas Gupta was asked to leave the show after she pushed Arshi Khan into the pool during one of their arguments. Rahul Vaidya and Eijaz Khan faced each other, and Rakhi and Arshi got into an ugly fight with Nikki. Additionally, contestants Arshi, Eijaz, Abhinav, Manu, and Kashmera are nominated for eviction this week. Now it remains to be seen which of the nominated contestants will leave home at Ka Vaar Weekend with Salman Khan.
In addition to the nominated contestants, those fighting for the Bigg Boss 14 trophy are Rubina Dilaik, Jasmin Bhasin, Rakhi Sawant, and Rahul Mahajan.
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Since Bigg Boss 14 has just started to turn heads, the manufacturers plan to extend the season by a month. Previously, the final was scheduled for mid-January, but will now take place in February.
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