Bengaluru: wear a mask even just inside the car, says BBMP

Bengaluru News

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Key points

  • Rules to follow before leaving home in Bengaluru.
  • Wear a mask or prepare to shell out Rs 250.

Bangalore: Hundreds have been arguing with police and sheriffs every day as they are being fined for not wearing masks. The Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) has now issued clarifications on some of the confusion in the rules related to wearing masks.

A BBMP Technical Advisory Committee held a meeting and concluded on the following rules for wearing masks. These are some of the questions that were answered by the committee.

Question 1

Should a person who drives a four-wheeler alone with the window closed wear a mask?


It is mandatory to wear a mask

Question 2

If an individual who drives a four-wheeler with only the windows closed and does not have a travel companion stops at a traffic light

Or if you open the car window to talk to someone next to you


Wearing a mask is mandatory

Question 3

If a single driver in a two-wheeler without a passenger must wear a mask

If a single driver in a two-wheeler without a passenger must wear a mask while stopping the vehicle


Wearing a mask is mandatory.

Previously only BBMP sheriffs were fining those who did not wear masks in public places, now police officers have been authorized to do so as well. However, the logic behind a single driver in a four-wheeler having to wear masks while their windows are up has raised some questions.

Meanwhile, the BBMP has also ordered sheriffs to make sure to fine a minimum of 20 people a day if no action is taken against them.