Bengali actress and TMC MP Nusrat Jahan and her husband Nikhil Jain play ‘dhak’ and dance at Durga Ashtami in Kolkata – View | People News

New Delhi: On the auspicious occasion of Durga Ashtami, Bengali actress and TMC MP Nusrat Jahan and her husband Nikhil Jain played the traditional ‘dhak’ and danced today at the Suruchi Sangha in Kolkata.

Have a look:

Dressed in the traditional red-white sari, Nusrat looked ethereal and, not forgetting that everyone present in the pandal wore masks due to the new deadly scare from the coronavirus pandemic.

TMC MP Nusrat Jahan was seen with her husband Nikhil Jain in Ashtami in Suruchi Sangha Durga Puja, accompanied by Aroop Biswas, Minister of the Government of West Bengal performing the Aarti.

The biggest Bengali festival in the world coincides with the 9-day Navratri holiday which is also dedicated to Maa Durga and her different avatars. It started this year on October 22, 2020.

However, this year’s celebrations are low-key due to the deadly outbreak of the new coronavirus that has affected people around the world. Social distancing, the use of masks, gloves and proper hygiene is the need of the moment to keep the virus at bay. And state governments have issued specific guidelines for the Durga Puja, Navratri and Ram Lila festivals.

Going back to the 5-day festival of Durga Puja, it usually starts six days after Mahalaya, but this year is different due to mala maas, the lunar month that has two moons. This year, Mahalaya which is the beginning of Devi Paksha and the end of Pitru Paksha took place on September 17 and Durga Puja begins on October 22.

According to the Bengali calendar, the mala maas this time is in the Ashvin month and Durga Puja will start only after it ends as no auspicious occasions or rituals are observed during this time period.

It is believed that the goddess Durga came to earth on the day of Mahalaya. The 5-day Durga Puja festival, widely celebrated around the world, is an important festival of Bengalis.
