The Cricket Control Board in India (BCCI) could add two new teams to the IPL next year. The Board’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), on December 24, is expected to witness officials deliberate on the induction of at least one new team, if not two, to make the IPL a 10-team tournament. in 2021. While there has been no official announcement on the same, some cities are expected to be in the running to be named as the new teams. And aren’t cricket fans expected at Vizag every time there’s talk of a new IPL team?
From having a picturesque cricket stadium to being the happy hunting ground for quite a few Indian superstars, Vizag has risen to prominence as a cricket destination in India, especially after the state’s bifurcation in 2013. While the city has hosted IPL games often in the past In a few years, the prospect of having an IPL team based in the port city continues to attract fans. In fact, the closest the city came to earning the honor was in 2012, when the BCCI shortlisted 10 cities, including Vizag, to introduce a new IPL team. Since the prospect has not materialized in favor of the city, the wait has been long and uncertain.
With the BCCI awaiting a final assent at the next AGM meeting, fans at Vizag will be hoping things will go their way. However, based on sources, the chances look grim this time around too. Ahmedabad is reportedly one of the favorites to enter the league, while Pune, Kanpur and Lucknow are likely to be in the mix to make the cut as the 10th team in the cash-rich league. So does Vizag have any chance of getting an IPL team in 2021? Very possible, but not likely.
It should be remembered that in 2011, the BCCI organized a 10-team IPL with Kochi Tuskers Kerala and Pune Warriors joining the rooster. However, the teams did not last long with the elimination of Kochi after their initial season, while the Pune Warriors was fired in 2013. Two other teams, Rising Pune Supergiant and Gujarat Lions, were introduced in 2016 in place of Chennai Super Kings and Rajasthan Royals. they were delivered with a 2 year suspension.