
Riot Games’ new VALORANT title may have attracted a lot of attention recently, but it certainly wasn’t a pleasant experience for CSGO pro gamer Nicolai Reedtz, best known for his “dev1ce” game tag.

Cheats in multiplayer shooting games are not a new thing. CSGO is famous for being the home of all kinds of cheats that ruin everyday matchmaking games for clean players. While Valve, the company behind the game, works effortlessly to curb the cheat problem in the game, there are always some that go unnoticed.
One of the main reasons VALORANT gained traction was because of the promise of a world-class anti-cheat for the game. Vanguard, the anti-cheat Riot developers have developed seems to be doing a very good job of doing its homework, as it banned its first cheat in less than three days since VALORANT’s closed beta release. But as the days go by, the cheats are finding new ways to bypass Riot’s advanced anti-deception.
There have recently been many complaints about cheats invading Riot’s new competitive shooter. There have also been cases of such tricks being streamed live to YouTube. Astralis star dev1ce also seems to have run into the cheating problem in VALORANT when you have talked about it.
Through a cheep made by him on May 2, dev1ce calls VALORANTE by having “SO MANY CHEATERS” on board. He mentions one of those incidents in which he himself was called a cheat by his opponents and was “activated.” In addition, he mentioned that opponents openly admitted that they had touched traps without an indication of fear of being expelled.
It also addressed another issue in which a solo queue player can take on a group of 5 opponents, even in the ranking. Recommend Riot to make a “team queue” for 5-man teams.
While both of the issues he addressed are also relevant at CSGO, when asked in his defense, he said that people who are “good” don’t play matchmaking and turn to third-party platforms like FACEIT or ESEA.
If Riot follows the same path as Valve and doesn’t solve the cheat problem in his game, we may need similar third-party platforms for VALORANT, too, for a fair gaming experience.