Arvind Kejriwal: new strain of Covid 19; Delhi Prime Minister Seeks Ban on Inbound Flights from UK | Delhi News

NEW DELHI: Delhi’s Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday urged the Center to immediately ban all flights from the UK, where a new coronavirus mutation has emerged that is considered “out of control.” This nutan virus is believed to be a super-spreader.
“A new corona virus mutation has emerged in the UK, which is a super spreader. I urge the central government to ban all flights from the UK immediately,” Kejriwal tweeted.

Being the national capital, Delhi has direct flights to various countries in the world and is sensitive to the spread of infection in case passengers infected with the mutated strain of the coronavirus travel to the capital.
Delhi on Sunday reported only 1,091 Covid cases in a single day, the lowest level in nearly 190 days, even after more than 83,000 tests were conducted. The positivity rate has dropped to 1.3%, one of the lowest of all time, and deaths have also dropped.
Most of the city’s Covid patients have recovered from home isolation, and more than half of active cases are currently in home isolation. Due to the steady decline in Covid cases, the pressure from hospitals is off.
Covid cases began to appear in the capital after the government increased testing. Up to 90,000 tests have been performed in the city in one day, with the gold standard RT-PCR being almost half of all tests. It assisted the government in early identification of infected people and tracing their contacts and taking appropriate containment and treatment measures. It helped control the infection and reduce deaths.
The number of containment zones is also decreasing and has been reduced to less than 6,000.
