A few days ago, Apple officially introduced its new M1 chipset for Mac devices, which is part of the company’s Apple Silicon ARM processors. Now, with the release of the new M1-powered Mac devices, details about their performance are popping up online.
A Cinebench benchmark result of the MacBook Pro with the M1 processor, 8GB of RAM, and 512GB internal storage reveals that the laptop scored 7,508 points in the multi-core test and 1,498 in the single-core test.
7508 multi-core and 1498 single-core#Macbook Pro pic.twitter.com/dWaHaQOOqn– Ali King Fan International (@ mnloona48_) November 16, 2020
To put that in perspective, the scores are similar to Intel’s 11th generation chipsets. The low-end 16-inch MacBook Pro 2019 with a 2.6GHz processor scored 6912 points in the multi-core test and 1,113 points in the single-core test.
The M1-powered MacBook Pro was recently seen in Geekbench 5, which revealed that the newly released machine outperforms the 16-inch MacBook Pro with Core i9-9880H in single- and multi-core tests.
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Apple’s newly released M1 chipset is manufactured using the 5nm process and contains 16 billion transistors, which is significantly higher than the 11.8 billion used in the iPhone 12’s A14 Bionic. The CPU core It has an eight-core arrangement, including four high-performance cores for heavy duty work and four high-efficiency cores for low-priority tasks.
It also has dedicated circuitry for graphics processing and artificial intelligence. The memory chips are also inside the same chip pack along with the processor, which should result in better speed.
The company claims that Apple Silicon M1 chipset Mac devices are three and a half times faster than previous Intel-based models. Graphics speed is also five times faster, according to Apple.
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