On Friday, Apple announced that it was rolling out a new Replacement Program for affected iPhone 11 units. IPhone 11 units produced between September 2019 and May 2020 are eligible for this issue, which will address the touchscreen issues that iPhone 11 owners were concerned about.
Apple has determined that a small percentage of iPhone 11 screens may become unresponsive to touch due to a problem with the display module. The affected devices were manufactured between November 2019 and May 2020.
If your iPhone 11 has been experiencing this problem, use the serial number checker below to see if your device is eligible for this program. If so, Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider will provide the service for free.
Affected customers can make an appointment at an Apple store or contact an Apple Authorized Service Provider for free repair. Apple also offers a mail service option. Apple advises that you should make a backup of your iPhone before repairing it. Apple also warns that if the screen is cracked or broken, it must be repaired before the touch screen can be repaired.
If you’ve already paid Apple or an AASP for this problem, you can contact Apple to see if you can be reimbursed for the cost of the repair.