Anushka Sharma first Amazon Prime original, Paatal Lok, is in legal trouble because of a slur used in the show. As Anushka Sharma was co-producer of the show, recently was notified by the Lawyers Guild. According to the notice, a slur used in Paatal Lok it is offensive for the Nepali speaking Gorkha community.
Anushka Sharma served a legal notice due to a seemingly offensive stain in ‘Paatal Lok’
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A member of the Guild of Lawyers, Turn Sri Gurung, served a notice to Paatal Lok co-producer Anushka Sharma on Monday, May 18, 2020. From now on the actor/producer has not yet responded to the notification. The Lawyers Guild will continue to get in contact with Amazon Prime and other production houses associated with the show.
According to Lawyers for the Guild notice, a dialogue in Paatal Lok it was extremely offensive to the Nepali speaking Gorkha community. The communiqué also affirms that the use of this ligature is very problematic now, as the Nepali community is already facing racism because of the stereotypes associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The scene in question features a woman police officer who used the insult while talking to a Nepali character.
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Nepali Communities in India the request of the Union Information and Broadcasting Ministry to remove the stain in Paatal Lok
In a petition addressed to the Union Information and Broadcasting Ministry, the Nepali Community asked for the floor to be muted and the subtitles to be blurred. They also demanded an apology for the use of the offensive slur. On the other hand, the petition also asked that it has edited an episode, without stain, to replace the original.
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In addition, the request also mentions that this fight was not personally against Anushka Sharma, but against the stereotypes that were offensive and hurtful to Nepali speaking communities. According to the Gorkha community, this spot “puts all of the clan.” Speaking to a news portal, Nanda Kirati Dewan, president of the Bharatiya Gorkha Yuva Parisangh, said that the use of the word was “regressive”. She also added that people should stop consuming the content that showed a community in a negative light just for the sake of creative freedom.
[Promo from Paatal Lok trailer and Anushka Sharma Instagram]
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