Students arrive at a JEE test center in Noida ION. (Image: News18)
The state government had said Monday that 38,167 students had registered for the test conducted by the National Testing Agency at 32 centers in 13 districts between September 1 and 6.
- PTI Ahmedabad
- Last update: September 1, 2020 8:40 pm IST
About 45 percent of Gujarat’s candidates skipped joint entrance exams (JEE) that began nationwide on Tuesday for admission to engineering and pharmacy courses. A senior official said the percentage of students who skipped the exam stood at 25-30 percent in previous years and the current figure was “10-15 percent” higher.
The state government had said on Monday that 38,167 students had signed up for the exam being conducted by the
National Testing Agency in 32 centers in 13 districts between September 1 and 6.
“On the first day, of the 3,020 students enrolled, only 1,664, or 55%, remained present, while 1,356 (45
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As JEE-Main begins, here are the new protocols for taking the exams
percent) did not appear. Typically 25-30% of students skip exams every year. The percentage this year is higher at 10-15, “said Virendra Ravat, JEE Coordinator for Gujarat.
On Monday, Gujarat Education Minister Bhupendrasinh had said that the administration would conduct the exams after taking all precautions in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Amid Covid-19 Outbreak, 45% of JEE Candidates Skip Exam in Gujarat => As JEE- Network begins, here are the new protocols for testing))
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